Voir le film Flight Crew en streaming VF

Regarder film Flight Crew en streaming complet gratuit et en français (VF)
- Origine: Russia, Cambodia
- Date de sortie: 2017
- Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
- Duree: 2 h 18 min
- Acteurs: Vladimir Mashkov, Egor Morozov, Agne Grudyte, Sergey Shakurov, Sergey Romanovich, Sergey Gazarov, Yang Ge, Rayanna Dibs, Alexander Drozhzhin, Vera Ivanova
- Realisateur: Nikolay Lebedev
- Langue original: English, French, Russian
- Allocine Rating: 6,7
- Titre Original: Final Take-Off - Einsame Entscheidung
Synopsis: Voir film Flight Crew en streaming VF complet,
A story about bravery, self-sacrifice and human dignity put on trial by the merciless power of nature. A young pilot is fired from military air force after disobeying an absurd order. He gets a job as a co-pilot with a civil airline. Being brutally honest and direct, he is not on best terms with his new colleagues. During a flight to Asia his crew receives a distress message from a volcanic island and makes a decision to attempt a rescue mission. Will it be a success? Will they survive the disaster? They have a single chance to find that out: by being a team and sticking up for one another.
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