Voir le film 2 temps, 3 mouvements en streaming VF
Regarder film 2 temps, 3 mouvements en streaming complet gratuit et en français (VF)
- Origine: France, Canada
- Date de sortie: 2014
- Genre: Drama
- Duree: 1 h 25 min
- Acteurs: Zacharie Chasseriaud, Antoine LÉcuyer, Aure Atika, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Philomène Bilodeau, Hugues Frenette, Léo Caron, Marc Biron, Catherine Lavoie, Normand Bissonnette
- Realisateur: Christophe Cousin
- Langue original: French
- Allocine Rating: 5,8
- Titre Original: Deux temps, Trois mouvements
Synopsis: Voir film 2 temps, 3 mouvements en streaming VF complet,
Victor has just moved to Quebec with his mother. His continual late at his new high school, and his behavior frequently lands him in the principals office. One day, he witnesses a violent event that will turn his life on its head and lead to him losing all bearings. Between France and Quebec, life and death, virginity and sexuality, adolescence and adult life.
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